Belgium // A day in Bruge

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
On our last day in Belgium I hopped on a train in Gent to explore Bruge for the day.  I had done some minimal research of Bruge (aka looked at some photos on google) but besides that I had no idea what to see or do. This being a solo trip (Jack was still at his conference in Gent), I spent a lot of my time just wandering and taking photos. I stumbled into a enclosed complex which turned out to be the museum quarters and toured a gorgeous exhibit of Pablo Picasso. I enjoyed a waffle suffocated in chocolate on the staircase of a gorgeous building while watching the happenings of a small market. I took an extremely touristy tour of the "History of Bruge" at the tourist center, which was fully quipped with animatronic puppets, a thrilling plot about a escaped parrot and lots of fun interactive games at the end (it was a weird, but also weirdly really fun.) I walked ALL day, window shopped at the many Christmas themed buildings, taste tested way too much chocolate (I swear every other store was a chocolate shop), and got lost in the alleyways of this adorable town. 

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